about shft

As we enter a new era, we are investing in the next generation of creators and culture shifters. The cultural architects who organically build community across culture, media, and entertainment have redefined industries, while centering their values, intention, creativity, measurement, and audiences. Our creators are at the pinnacle of culture and we hop in the passenger seat to nurture their development and equip them with the strategy, data, and relationships to take their IP as far as it can go. By building an interconnected ecosystem of creators, strategists, data scientists, designers, writers, and social entrepreneurs across industries to generate new IP that shifts narratives and creates systemic impact across community, culture, entertainment, and policy.

Through fostering direct relationships amongst creators, CMOs, CEOs, nonprofit execs, and Hollywood veterans we collaborate with emerging artists to produce scripted + unscripted series, books, podcasts, mobile games, digital experiences, and commerce ecosystems. Our roster of creators from across the world who do more than influence, they lead activated communities with unique pulses in targeted communities across the globe. Creators, innovators, and scientists with unique journey’s activating communities and leaving cultural impact across arts, innovation, impact, and creativity.

We are building interconnected ecosystems with creators at the center, to create authentic content to commerce experiences, reimagining business models from the development to manufacturing to distribution, while we continue to build community, tell stories, and create platforms to activate the people to shft culture for equity and sustainable outcomes across the globe.